Saturday, July 8, 2017

আমার ভবিষ্যত ক্যারিয়ার ও আইসিটি।

fwel¨‡Z AvBwmwU wenxb GKwU w`bI Kíbv Kiv m¤¢e bq.AvBwmwUi me©g~wL e¨env‡ii Kvi‡b †Kvb cÖwZôv‡bi Kgx© wn‡m‡e †hvM †`Iqv wKsev wb‡RB GKUv cÖwZôvb ˆZwi Kiv Dfq †ÿ‡Î AvBwmwU‡K Gwo‡q hvIqv n‡ebv.

wb‡Ri K¨vwiqv‡ii †ÿ‡Î ZvB AvBwmwU‡Z `ÿZv Dbœq‡bi Rb¨ wb‡R‡K h‡_ó m‡PZb n‡Z n‡e.mvavib Awdm mdUIq¨v‡ii e¨envi,B›Uvi‡bU,B-‡gBj,mvgvwRK †hvMv‡hvM gva¨gmn cÖvq mwKQz‡ZB cÖv_wgK `ÿZv bv _vK‡j AvMvwg‡Z †Kv_vI PvKwi cvIqv KwVb n‡e.Ab¨w`‡K †cÖvMÖvwgs,I‡qemvBUwbg©vb,Kw¤úDUvi wbivcËv BZ¨vw` we‡klwqZ Kv‡Ri Pvwn`vI wecyj cwigv‡b e„w× cv‡”Q.wek¦e¨wc Z_¨-cÖhyw³ K¨vwiqvi MV‡bi GKwU eo †ÿÎ.Z_¨-cÖhyw³i cÖavb DcKibwU ejv P‡j Kw¤úDUvi.Avi GB Kw¤úDUv‡i †h KZkZ KvR Av‡Q KíbvZxZ. 


Z_¨ I cÖhyw³‡Z KvR Kivi i‡q‡Q AviI myweav.G‡Z †Kvb Awd‡m bv wM‡qB KvR Kivi my‡hvM i‡q‡Q.G‡Z †Kvb Awd‡m bv wM‡qB KvR Kivi my‡hvM i‡q‡Q.DbœZ †`k¸‡jvi fv‡jv fv‡jv †Kv¤úvwb Zv‡`i wb‡R‡`i †`‡ki Kg©x‡`i `y®úÖvc¨Zvi Kvi‡b Avgv‡`i gZ AbybœZ ev Dbœqbkxj †`‡ki Kg©x‡`i KvR Kivi my‡hvM †`q.Avgv‡`i †`‡ki Kgxiv wek¦gv‡bi.eZ©gv‡b Avgv‡`I †`‡ki A‡bK wd«j¨vÝvi N‡i e‡mB B›Uvi‡b‡Ui gva¨‡g KvR Ki‡Q Av‡gwiKv,KvbvWv,weª‡U‡bi gZ †`k¸‡jvi eo eo †Kv¤úvwb‡Z.


wd«j¨vwÝs-Gi KvR Kivi Rb¨ cÖPzi ˆa‡h©i cÖ‡qvRb nq.G‡ÿ‡Î †hvMv‡hv‡Mi Rb¨ Bs‡iwR fvlvq fv‡jv `ÿZv _vK‡jB P‡j.‡mB mv‡_ †h‡Kvb GKwU †m±‡i `ÿZv cÖ‡qvRb.Z_¨-cÖhyw³‡Z `ÿ †jv‡Ki Pvwn`v w`b w`b †e‡oB P‡j‡Q.cieZ©x 2-3 eQ‡ii g‡a¨ Gi Pvwn`v wظb n‡e e‡j A‡b‡KB g‡b Ki‡Q.


GwU Avgv‡`i Rb¨ Aek¨B M‡e©i.eZ©gvb Ziæb cÖR‡¤§i  A‡bK wkÿv_©x AvDU‡mvwm©s/wd«j¨vwÝs Gi mv‡_ RwiZ n‡q co‡Q.fwel¨‡Z GB †m±‡i AviI A‡bK `ÿ Kgx©i cÖ‡qvRb n‡e.Kv‡RB K¨vwiqvi wn‡m‡e AvBwmwUi m¤¢vebv A‡bK D¾j.

GBme we‡ePbv K‡i wb‡Ri AvBwmwU `ÿZv evwo‡q wb‡Z GLb †_‡KB Avgv‡`i m‡Pó nIqv cÖ‡qvRb.



‡gv:Beªvwng Lwjj (gybœv)

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Social Network

Social network have made the communications among the people in the world very easy.We can now share our views and opininioons instantly on any issue through these web-based networking sites.People of the farthest country can now communicate with us like our neighbours.Because of the rapid technological development and the easy access to them these networking sites have become the most appealing to the people of all ages.
Facebook is a popular social network service.It is a directory of photos and basic information of its users.Through Facebook we can widen relation and keep connected wikth friends and relatives.However ,there are some demerits of Facebook.Many students neglct their studies sitting beforeFacebook.Today the use of Facebook is expanding because of internet facilities.It costs little to be a user of Facebook.It is importang for us to be careful about using Facebook.
Facebook Logo

আমার ভবিষ্যত ক্যারিয়ার ও আইসিটি।

fwel¨‡Z AvBwmwU wenxb GKwU w`bI Kíbv Kiv m¤¢e bq.AvBwmwUi me©g~wL e¨env‡ii Kvi‡b †Kvb cÖwZôv‡bi Kgx© wn‡m‡e †hvM †`Iqv wKsev wb‡RB GKUv...